By: Sommer Falgowski Poppe, Esq.

In 2020, we were commonly asked by our clients, “So, which parent gets the stimulus check?” With round 2 of stimulus on the way, do you find yourself similarly confused about who gets the child’s portion of the stimulus check? We can help you navigate through these pesky questions.
With all of the chaos that 2020 created, alongside that came dozens of financial questions relating to the virus and specifically, the stimulus check. Many Americans were left unemployed, financially weakened, and maybe even a victim to the coronavirus itself. In an attempt to alleviate national struggles, the federal government allocated money to American citizens this past Spring; and not just adults received it - children did too. Now with new surges of the virus, another stimulus check is expected for millions of Americans, including children.
Receiving the check is not always so simple though. If you and your child's other parent are separated, which parent is entitled to that child's stimulus money?
Let's Figure it Out:
If you’re confused on where to go next with your stimulus questions and need legal advice on how to proceed, we encourage you to call Sheridan Lawyers at (484)653-0774 to schedule a free one-hour consultation with a family law attorney.

Till Next Time!
- Sommer

At Sheridan Lawyers, we have two full-time family law attorneys ready to meet your needs, partner Holly K. Sheridan, Esq., and associate Sommer Falgowski Poppe, Esq.
Each Holly and Sommer have young children themselves, and can personally understand how important children are to their parents. Holly and Sommer are proud to be #MomsFightingForMoms
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