Construction Accidents
Construction worksites can be dangerous places. Depending on the circumstances causing an accident, sometimes workers can seek compensation beyond a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. For example, if the injury was caused by the negligence of a person or entity that was not the injured person’s employer, he/she may be able to recover damages from that person or entity. Such instances include cases where the injury was caused by a defective piece of equipment or a chemical exposure, or by the actions of someone onsite employed by a different company.
Common construction accident cases include injuries caused by:
Chemical exposures
Defective equipment
Inadequate fall prevention systems
Open holes in floors, stairways or worksite ground
Wall and/or roof collapses
Drops and shifts of material loads
Improper scaffolding
Negligent blasting and/or tunneling
Overturned cranes and/or scissor lifts